A MERCEDES was stopped by police on a busy motorway for blocking the middle lane.

According to Greater Manchester Police's traffic division, the driver joined the M60 just after 8pm on Saturday evening and moved straight out into the middle lane, despite lane one being completely clear at the time.

The driver than continuted to use the middle lane until eventually being stopped by officers at which point he attempted to explain his actions by saying he "didn't want to use to the slow or the fast lane."

A spokesperson for Greater Manchester Police said: "This Mercedes was seen by ME54 to join the M60 and move straight out into the middle lane, lane one being completely clear.

"It continued to hog the middle lane at 49mph for one junction!

"Stopped, he stated he didn’t want to use the slow lane or the fast lane?!"

Officers have confirmed that the driver of the Mercedes has now been given a Traffic Offence Report (TOR) by North West Motorway Police.

They took the opportunity to reminds drivers that they should always use the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear and that after overtaking slower moving vehicles they should return from the middle lane to the left lane as quickly as possible.