I know its been ages since I blogged, and for that I sincerely apologise. I'm sure you've all been pining away for me, off your food etc (!!), but I've had a bit of a writer's block to be honest!

Those that know me will never accept that I could be lost for words, but it seems that has been the case. I started the Blog to keep you all up to date with Billy and Ellie's progress, and while they were growing and changing I really enjoyed putting it all in my Blog. But in October they flew the nest, well kind of, and I began to neglect my blogging duties.

Just as a brief update, my ducky babies are now living happily on the pond here at The Adventure Farm with all the other ducks. But here's the big piece of news - I think Billy might be a Billie and Ellie is an Elliot! I'm not basing this on anything scientific you understand, its just a feeling I get. Ellie's head is now a lovely teal colour, which is usually an indication of a Mallard, hence my suspicions she's a he.

And Billy? Well, I don't know, he just seems like a girl, he's quite feminine. For a start he seems to be getting chased around quite a lot - its like a Benny Hill sketch out there sometimes! But one thing I have taught my babies is how to run - remember how I used to race them across the office? Well, those lessons have really benefited them as they're the fastest ducks on the pond! The others haven't got a chance of catching them on dry land!

I do go up and visit the ducks on a regular basis, and they always come over for a quick peck, but I can't carry on writing about them forever can I? So, instead of abandoning my Blog I thought I'd continue and keep you up to date with life here on The Adventure Farm. It's such a fantatic place and there's always something to tell. So I'd like to continue, if you'll have me, and hopefully will give you an insight into what it's like working at a place like this.

In my title I say "it's personal" and it probably will be, because everything will be my take on things - how what happens here makes me feel, what I think and possibly the occassional rant!

So watch this space, I can't promise daily updates (which I'm sure you're all relieved about), but I can promise you'll learn things about working for a charity that you never knew. And hopefully, you might be inspired to get involved with a local charity. Obviously I hope that will be The Adventure Farm...