Many of us get swept along by the magical notion of the perfect Christmas, but even religious leaders have expressed concern at the amount of financial pressure that consequently occurs, sometimes taking up to three years to repay.

Plan now and make for a happy Christmas:

Gift shopping can be fraught with difficulties, but local markets and craft fairs often sell unique, attractive items with no discernible price. Interesting, locally sourced foods, jars of preserves, handmade pictures and crafts all make relatively inexpensive yet thoughtful gifts.

Agree amongst adults that you¹re only giving gifts to children or commit to a price limit per gift or Secret Santa approach. Genuine offers of help could make a perfect Christmas gift; babysitting vouchers, making a cake, cooking dinner, painting a picture could be a real treat.

Discuss present giving with children, especially older children and agree on one main present. Children often appreciate experiences and time spent together most of all; bird watching, scrap-booking or preparing and eating a picnic together. Fun times can be the most valued gift of all.

Share the financial and catering responsibilities by asking guests to provide their favourite dish. Many people routinely bring a bottle, so simply extend the request.

Plan family meals and prepare as much food as possible in advance, so avoiding unnecessary panic buying. Batch cook welcome winter staples like casseroles, soups and stews, often a pleasant alternative to heavy Christmas food.

Delegate some tasks and let others, including children help. Straightforward tasks like wrapping gifts, vegetable preparation, setting the table, washing up can be done by anyone. Let everyone feel part of the day’s success.

Investigate free events like carol services, concerts and gallery shows. Some may need to be booked in advance. Plan a brisk country walk or outdoors ball game for another, or retrieve your board games and cards and enjoy the opportunity for conversation, fun and friendly rivalry.

If there’s dispute about where Christmas is being celebrated why not alternate plans between Christmas and New Year, or have Christmas dinner on Boxing Day or the weekend in-between.

Remember to schedule some ’me¹ time to enjoy a relaxing bath and have a little personal space. Record your favourite programmes to watch when you’re free.

And remember when things go wrong they’re often the things that people remember with affection, the special memories that make for the best kind of Christmas Day.

Susan Leigh, Altrincham Counsellor & Hypnotherapist