I was really worried yesterday - for quite a while I feared we had aquaphobic ducks! I lovingly set up the paddling pool, filled it with water - and even created a little beach for them using stones (well, they needed an escape route!). We all gathered round (including Gareth from the Messenger who had come to film the momentous occasion!) and held our breaths. I carefully placed Billy in the water - and he went nuts!! He hated it!!!!

Ellie wasn't much braver, and it wasn't long before they had both vaulted the walls of the pool and legged it across the Orchard! Not exactly what I was expecting - ducks afraid of water!!!!

I let them calm down a bit - they were in a right kerfuffle and were telling me off for doing such a terrible thing to them!! Once they had returned to their usual Xen-like selves, we had another go. This time they relaxed and discovered they loved it! Hurrah - our ducks are ducks!!

You should have seen them - Ellie was diving under the water, they were splashing and having the time of their lives! Very little swimming went on, actually none, but it's a start.

I've tried again today and they were much more into it, Billy even climbed in himself! I put a little apple off one of the trees in for them to play with! Bathtime toys for ducks is something to think about actually. Well, we play with rubber ducks in our baths, does that mean I should put rubber humans in for them? Or am I peeping my toe into something not altogether suitable for a blog?