Congratulations to Billy and Ellie on their move! Yes, they're out of the office and into a purpose-built Duck penthouse in the Orchard! Paul, our Chief Exec, wasn't exactly sorry to see them go. Sharing your office with two boisterous, noisy and lets face it - smelly - ducks isn't what its cracked up to be, and we were all agreed it was time for them to move outdoors. But that's not to say I've found it easy. On the contrary, I've found it really difficult and am contemplating coming back with my sleeping back tonight to keep them company!

However, they are in and they're absolutely loving it! They are so happy to be out in the fresh air, nibbling away at the grass and admiring the view! As nice as Paul is, I think they prefer looking out onto our beautiful Orchard and BBQ area. Their new accommodation consists of an insidey bit, and, well - an outsidey bit! The insidey bit is really cosy and has a nesting area (or the West Wing as I prefer to call it), its very open plan and is more of a studio than a house, very Manhattan loft! They have plenty of sawdust and straw to keep them warm at night, and even little window type things so they aren't plunged completely into darkness.

A little ramp leads down to a 5ft run. Well, I say little, but to them it must be huge! They're a little nervous of it actually, and when they first went in they sat at the top of it, looking down with terror in their eyes. They have since started to use it, to a fashion. If using it can be interpreted as hurling themselves from the top and barely touching the ramp! I've yet to see them go back up it, but they're clever little fellas - I'm sure they'll soon cotton on.

The great news is that the Webcam has been moved too! We were concerned that this move would mean the end of us all being able to keep tabs on the ducks - but not so! Thanks to Paul and Kenny (our I.T. guru), we are now able to bring you Billy and Ellie in the Orchard! It's a much wider shot, so you'll be able to see much more of what they're up to and who is visiting! It'll mostly be me!