Billy is a teenager! Honestly, he is! He's liable to mood swings, his voice is breaking and he's uncharacteristically polite to his friend's parents. Ok, maybe the last bit was stretching the truth slightly, but the rest is true.

For no reason whatsoever, he can take a dislike to someone and ignore them - or even have a go at them (which in duck terms involves him running at them with his neck outstretched - nothing more serious than that but we don't laugh at his attempts in front of his face as it would embarrass him).

But the funniest thing is his voice breaking! He is actually trying to quack! It comes out as more of a honk (like the horn on a clown car), and the expression on his face when he's done it is hilarious! He makes himself jump and then he sits there just opening and closing his mouth (I know, I know - its called a beak, but that's just a fancy term for mouth anyway). I sat with him earlier encouraging him to quack, he really was trying his hardest. You could see him tensing his whole little duck body trying to squeeze a quack out, but he only managed a rather hoarse squeek. Bless him.

It won't be long before Ellie starts too. My babies! They're growing up so quickly!!!

The countdown has started for them to move into their new purpose-built Duck House. Friday is the day and I'm not looking forward to it. Time to cut those apron strings I suppose