We all need things to do. Sure, we all say it would be lovely to win the lottery and not have to go to work - but how many of us would be bored within a week?

Well, we're not alone because I'm discovering that ducks need occupying too! I've noticed over the last few days then whenever we get them out of their pen they love nothing better than to have a run around and to climb on things! Its amazing how high they can jump, and they do this cute thing to get down which makes them look like they're going down a slide - but they love it!

So now, not only have I got to check they're fed, watered, clean and safe - I've also got to keep them amused! Those of you who are regularly accessing the webcam will have noticed that I've come up with a solution by putting in a metal bin on its side. Something they can climb on, jump off and sit inside. And I can report than since putting it in there - they've taken absolutely no notice of it at all! So it just goes to prove exactly how alike ducks and humans are - we moan about wanting something and when we get it we lose interest!

Interest in the ducks however hasn't waned at all, and we have one young man visiting us this week who has quickly become as obsessed with the ducks as we are. Tim is staying with us with a group from Royal Schools for the Deaf, and he absolutely idolises Billy and Ellie. Needless to say we have all very quickly learnt the sign for duck - it's the first thing he asks for every morning!

It's been a pleasure brining the ducks to see him as he gets so much out of spending time with them - its plain to see from the expression on his face, even if he can't communicate this to us in words. He has been so gentle with the ducks and they really seem to have taken to him. The group have gone to Chester Zoo for the day today so hopefully he'll get his fix of furry animals there!