Hi, I'm Helen Crowther - welcome to my Blog. Well actually, its not MY Blog, it's the Blog of The Children's Adventure Farm Trust - but I've been trusted with the job and it will be me doing all the blogging.

The Children's Adventure Farm Trust is a fantastic charity based in Cheshire.

We provide holidays, day trips, respite care and Christmas parties to disabled and disadvantaged children from all over the North West.

Each year in excess of 3,000 kids pass through our doors - and I consider myself the luckiest person alive because I get to work here!

So why have I started a Blog?

Well, its all down to a little feller called Billy really.

Billy isn't one of the kids, but a gorgeous little duckling that was hatched out here at The Adventure Farm by one of our resident ducks. Unfortunately, Billy's Mum abandoned him to sit on the rest of her eggs and left him to the mercy of the geese - never a good thing!

The geese were in danger of killing the poor little guy (hence the name - Billy No Mates), and Billy was rescued and brought into the Fundraising Office - which is where me, and my fellow fundraisers, came in!

We took the day-old duckling under our wings (no pun intended), and he now lives in a box - complete with heat lamp - in our Chief Executive's office.

This heart-warming story came to the attention of Lynne, the Editor over at the Messenger in Sale, who had made Billy front page news!!

Lynne has asked me to keep you all updated on the progress of little Billy, and also to let you know what's going on here at The Adventure Farm on a daily basis.

Well, my first instalment can be made straight away - Billy has a sister!!

Two days after Billy's arrival into the world, another duckling has hatched out and been rescued (bad mother!).

A rather pathetic little duckling was delivered to our office who didn't smell so great so was given the name Smelly Ellie - we tend to just call her Ellie, although some of us give her the official title of Elliott (Billy, Elliott - get it?!).

So Ellie has arrived and is doing really well. I'll keep you updated on what they're up to and how their little personalities are emerging as the days go on.