SALE neighbourhood police are deploying new "head cam" technology as a part of an initiative to clamp down on alcohol-fuelled crime.

It's the first time in Trafford and only the second time in Greater Manchester that the head-mounted video cameras have been used.

The scheme follows the announcement last month that the Home Office is to give police £3 million to fund a national head cam rollout.

Sale police have been using the head cams for about one month and Insp Brendan O'Brien says the results have so far been very favourable.

"People calm down when they know they're being filmed. They seem to heed officer's warnings and go home, which is exactly what we want.

"I believe that using the head cameras will not only help us to deter alcohol-related disorder but also provide us with vital evidence if any incidents do occur."

The head cams are turned on when approaching an incident and are being used to address problems in Sale town centre at weekends as well as incidents in parks involving underage drinkers.

In addition, in response to community concerns, PCSOs and Trafford Council street crime patrollers will be working until midnight - rather than 10pm - on Friday and Saturday nights during August.

While a taxi marshall service is being provided this month thanks to funds from the Altrincham and Sale Chamber of Commerce and an £1,800 donation from the Sale Town Centre Partnership.

Messenger went on patrol with the neighbourhood police team on Friday night, when alcohol was seized from nine under-age teenagers.

One youth, aged 16, was caught chucking a bag containing nine cans of cider over a hedge. Officers discovered he was taking them to drink in a field at a nearby school.

"Young people coming together to drink alcohol in unlicensed open spaces is not acceptable and very often leads onto further offences such as criminal damage and arson," said Insp O'Brien.

"This will not be tolerated and after we stop youngsters suspected of offences I write to their parents and tell them what they were doing.

"Now with this new head cam video technology it means if they don't believe me I can show them exactly what their son or daughter was up to."

Do you think head cams are a good idea? Post your comments below...