GOD’S love beats in every human heart.

I met 'she' and 'he'. This is their story. Once upon a time, in a land graced by sunshine, scented flowers and soul warming music their paths crossed.

Was it by choice or were they destined to travel this journey together.

It had been a strange start, muddled and confusing in many ways. There had never been a beginning in their relationship.

She ate early, she slept early and she woke up early. He ate late, slept late and got up late. She loved to philosophise, he lived for this world. She was a dreamer and was looking for a world beyond this world; he was a dreamer and dreamed of his way in this world. They inhabited the same space but lived at a different pace. She wanted to see life pass by; enjoy the seasons, the scent of flowers, the moments. He wanted to go and live his life. They were both looking at the same thing but in different ways.

He had the fire and air element reigning supreme in him, she was predominantly water and earth. They inhabited the same space called home. He liked movement, she liked stability.

He could not relate to emotions, or the emotional intuitive intelligence she had. She worked from the heart predominantly as most women do. He from the mind, as most men do. Is it not right, that men are from Mars and women are from Venus? They spoke the same language but neither knew what the other said. He spoke; she listened, but could not understand. She spoke, he did not listen. If they talked, the wavelengths crossed, collided or missed each other. Yet, they lived together bonded and blinded by the sacred vows of marriage.

Two people so different: yet looked so alike. The same: two legs, two arms, two eyes, two ears, one mouth and one nose. She tried to make a home, he was a wanderer. She wandered with him and kept trying to make a home, warm homes, soft homes, colourful homes, comfortable homes.

In her aloneness, she had found peace, sorrow, laughter and pain. One day, without knowing, loneliness starting spreading its roots in the barren soil of aloneness. The roots spread deeper and deeper. She was lost. She no longer dreamed or philosophised.

Then one day a miracle happened. Showers fell, glittery, iridescent showers. Along with it fell a “seed of divine love”. She drank from that seed, a sip at a time. It tasted sweet; it removed the cold bitter icicles in her heart, one at a time. It hurt when they went in; it hurt even more when they were removed. The seed turned into a sapling. Her loneliness started fading. She was alone, but no longer lonely. Days passed; months passed… she was lost again. But this time in losing herself, she had found God.

God’s love had been there with her from the start. Yet, she had looked for another beginning. Now there were two again, and the two hearts beat like one. The perfect rhythm, of her heart beating within God’s heart. It was a true home coming.

And they lived happily thereafter…..

Dr Manjula Arora

Altrincham Interfaith Group