I APPLAUD anyone who has to wear a statutory uniform in the current heatwave and none more so than the brave firefighters who have been tackling blazes on our moors and open spaces.

Among the obvious wildlife in danger are, yet again, our wonderful industrious bees that we so sorely need.

There are bee keepers who tend their hives on our moors.

Heather honey is one of its greatest rewards.

Bees give us so much more ecologically.

It breaks my heart to think that, seemingly, a few individuals can cause such devastation and distress, while others are working night and day to conserve life and limb.

We can learn so much from our yellow, brown and black furry friends, the humble honey and bumble bees.

They work tirelessly for each other, until death.

we mere humans have to much to learn.

Vivien Kenyon

Bedford Court
