THE care that I have received, especially in hospitals and by the paramedics and ambulance crews, has been excellent.

With their help, in 26 different hospitals, I have overcome heart attacks, brain injuries, blindness, bacterial meningitis, epilepsy, pneumonia, burns, diabetes, the rebuilding of my foot and multiple deep infections.

I always write to say thank you to the wards and CEOs and copy in my MP, Sir Graham Brady, who has been very supportive and the secretary of state in.

I wish more people did the same.

My main thank you is, as a Christian, to donate my body for medical research to the University of Manchester as it is the least I can do as so many strangers have saved my life time and again.

I hope that others will do the same to enable our brilliant medical teams give the gift of life to others in need.

On a personal note, to the many who have helped me across all parts of the NHS, thank you.

Peter Booth
