WE write in response to your recent article regarding the Altrincham Business Neighbourhood Plan residents' referendum boundary and the Council’s response within the article.

As members of the Working Group for the plan we were extremely disappointed to see the approach the council has taken in their quote. Their suggestion that we want a residents referendum boundary which captures ‘every single shopper and leisure user’ is frankly ludicrous. The information we captured from all those who took part in the consultation demonstrates that if the boundary were set using WA14 and WA15 postcodes, 86 per cent of those who took part would be able to vote.

Based on the council’s current decision only five per cent of residents are eligible.

The council’s decision flies in the face of all our democratic principles, ignoring not only the concept of a community driven neighbourhood plan but also ignoring the Act of Parliament which requires the referenda.

In other parts of the country, councils have amended their boundaries to ensure that they reflected their catchment population. In Altrincham we are now in a situation where the community have had their right to vote removed, all of this in order to save money.

It is sadly an appalling end to what was, until now, a highly successful, inclusive process of producing a plan supported and driven by the community to assist with the continued re-generation of Altrincham.

Tony Collier – Forum Chairman, Mike Shields – Working Group Chairman