SAM recently covered concerns about dangers from reckless driving and illegal parking on Oldfield Road near John Leigh Park and the junction with Medway Crescent.

On October 20 there was another accident at the junction. This involved three vehicles, all of which were badly damaged, fortunately there were no obvious serious injuries. This was predictable, had been predicted and will happen again.

The council and police are aware of the situation but nothing can be done, it is said, because there is no money to take action and there is need for lengthy and expensive consultation.

On Friday cars were parked just as badly as ever around the junction and some cars flew along ignorant and careless of the hazard and disaster of the previous day.

The costs of each crash in terms of cash, misery and fear are very considerable. Serious injury or worse cannot be far away. Surely something can be done on an emergency, temporary basis.

Why not use cones to prohibit parking around that junction? I cannot believe that any resident will be against this.

David Jolley Hon Sec Friends of John Leigh Park