EVERY Labour councillor anxiously awaits the news this month of the Government’s spending review, particularly as the Department for Local Government so eagerly accepted George Osborne’s massive cuts of 30 per cent over the next four years.

Trafford has already lost 96million from its budget since 2010 with another3. 3million to be cut over the next two years. It’s a false economy with cuts to early intervention only increasing the pressure on the NHS.

Cameron’s own Conservative council in his constituency had to make him aware of the effects of these cuts. Cameron seemingly unaware of the extent and damage of these cuts!

The Local Government Association has already warned another round of cuts would devastate local services and harm the most vulnerable in society.

In Trafford the Tories have already closed youth centres, children centres, libraries, social services, cut by 50 per cent the early years budget and ending transport support for special educational needs children. Cuts of this size in all our services can’t be made without people feeling the effect.

Councils are being placed in an impossible situation with local Tory Councillors in a state of denial, burying their heads in the sand!!

We are in impossible situation with resources cut to the bone as demand for our services increase.

We face a very chilling, depressing future if these further council cuts go ahead

Cllr Jane Baugh

Labour Councillor Priory Ward and Shadow Spokesperson for Children and Young peoples services