IT seems that letters criticising any development in Altrincham do not get published.

We have an Interchange which was supposed to have been completed in August last year,which still has work on the lift going on.

The Goose Green 'landscaping' was supposed to have been completed by July 17, but is still unfinished.

George Street is now being converted to cobbles:why do we need to turn the clock back 100 years,when,no doubt,George Street was cobbled?

Have any of these people with antiquated concepts ever thought of moving a wheelchair over cobbles?I very much doubt it:but then wheelchair users in Altrincham and Hale get very little consideration ,as is apparent by the lack of dropped kerbs.

It seems that money is being thrown at totally unnecessary projects,while the roads away from the centre are pot-holed,and pavements are a disgrace.We also have about 20 empty shops along the main street,with little prospect of them ever being filled.

David Olliver, address supplied