HOW long does the most patient of motorists - and by this I mean all motorists who are, as a necessity, are required to use the A56 along Cross Street to the border of Broadheath - have to contend with this unsatisfactory highway toward the southwest of Trafford?

I remember very well, the proposal in the 1980s within the Unitary Development Plan for Trafford, that the Sale Western by-pass would be a practical way of alleviating the pressure wrought on the people of this area.

Since the Trafford Centre was not to be constructed on the Carrington Moss the idea was dropped. Now I call for our Trafford councillors to look again at the work done on this proposal 25 years ago and begin to face the fact that Sale requires a by-pass to Dunham.

The constraint by road users has been magnificent - however, the time has come for change.

Barrie Eckford

Elton Road
