HAVING lost its early morning commuter services some time ago, the sudden and unannounced withdrawal of all evening services (286) to and from the Wellgreen is another example of the underhanded operation of the GMPTE.

Minor changes to services (eg to the 285) were advertised on the departure board in Altrincham well in advance but the sudden and complete withdrawal of evening services has come as an unannounced surprise.

This only became apparent when people arriving at the Altrincham pick-up point found there was no service after 7pm.

While, admittedly, the service is not heavily used, it is another nail in the coffin of Altricham and Hale Barns as evening venues.

Does this mean yet more cars on the road or car-less people are isolated in their homes in the evening?

Bryn Attenborough

Buckfast Close
