AN updated version of the Stretford Masterplan – a blueprint to bring millions of pounds of investment into the area – will be considered by Trafford Council’s Executive later this month.

Following one of the council’s largest ever consultations, which involved over 2000 people sharing their feedback via public events and surveys, the masterplan outlines the approach for securing the revitalisation of Stretford, while reflecting key elements of the public’s feedback.

If approved, the updated plans will maximise the benefits from the new University Academy 92 (UA92). The campus will be based in Old Trafford, and will encourage significant investment into Stretford Town Centre, with new student accommodation to be combined with keyworker accommodation (for people who deliver essential services such as NHS staff, police, fire fighters etc), as well as supporting the development of a responsible evening economy.

The Masterplan will help deliver new leisure facilities for the whole community and improve public spaces. Plans also include bringing the iconic Essoldo building back into use as a facility available for all, whilst also capitalising on Stretford’s canal side location in opening it up to the town centre.

Following the public's feedback as part of the consultation, the council has proposed a revised scheme for the Lacy Street area, which will be considerably lower in height and less dense than the original proposal. The scheme will include a mix of student and keyworker housing alongside mixed ground floor commercial developments.

Architects will now commence work on the new designs for the scheme.

Other proposals in the revised Masterplan show:

•The main university campus will be located at the Talbot Road site, and this is due to be open by September 2019.

•The leisure centre will go ahead on the campus site with unrestricted access to all users, students and residents alike.

•Turn Moss plans will progress, with a planning application expected to be submitted by February 2018.

•Two sites of particular interest along the A56 corridor (plots 12 and 14) will be maintained as green space, and the council will involve the community on how these spaces can be utilised in a more beneficial way.

•Manor Farm Industrial Estate – the council consider this to be a key employment site and will retain it as such.

The full revised Masterplan document can be found on the Trafford Council website along with the consultation feedback report.

More detail will be added as the plans move forward.

Leader of the Council, Sean Anstee, said: “When we started our consultation process we promised to have a proper conversation with the people of Stretford and we promised to listen. We were overwhelmed with the passion, time and energy that people invested in this process. It involved massive commitment from both local residents and council staff, during which time we had a lively, challenging, but always meaningful dialogue. The result is amended proposals that we hope reflect the ideas and feedback of the majority of people who told us what they thought, while still ensuring we capture the regeneration opportunities that UA92 brings.

"I’m sure there will be challenges along the way and more conversations to have – this is after all a huge regeneration opportunity. I am committed to continuing to work together for the best outcomes for all, and feel extremely optimistic about the future of Stretford.”