SUE Redford, of New Street, Altrincham, said: “The residents live in constant fear that one of the idiots driving up New Street, frequently exceeding 60 miles per hour and often using their telephones, too, will lose control on the street.

“The traffic calming hump outside our cottage acts as a catalyst; they actually use it as a launch pad and really take off and go even faster, finding the supposed traffic calming chicane at the end of the street a ‘fun challenge’ in their childish attempts to mimic racing drivers.

“Since the traffic lights were put in at Regent Road, New Street has become a ‘rat run’. Trafford’s answer to our request for further traffic calming measures is that we have to wait for an accident, and then action will be taken.

“New Street is not only a rat run for, it is also one of the main streets that girls from Altrincham Grammar School use. The pavements are narrow with parking down one side.

“It doesn’t take much imagination to picture the carnage should an accident happen.

“New Street has also changed from being a street for mainly retired people to a family street with many children.

“Do we have to wait for one of these little ones to be dreadfully hurt or even killed, because Trafford will not release funds until something ghastly happens?”