A HOST of activities are being held at Trafford's libraries during October.

Kicking off a month which is packed with activities, is the fourth annual Fun Palaces day on Saturday, October 7. Across the borough, libraries will be holding a whole day of fantastic free events which celebrate the arts, science and culture. Have a go at Morris dancing, herbal teabag-making, straw tower-building and much, much more.

October is also when National Libraries Week takes place (October 9 – 14), and there’s plenty going on in Trafford to celebrate.

For more information on what’s on when visit www.trafford.gov.uk/librariesweek

www.trafford.gov.uk/funpalaces and www.trafford.gov.uk/whats-on

You can try your hand at samba, 'solve a murder', discover the darker side of books at our crime writer’s chat or meet some mermaids, unicorns and other extraordinary beasts.